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West Wings Eydhafushi – Page 5 – Together We Can!
🗓 Color Festival 2022 on Eid al-Adha – 10th July 2022
West Wings Eydhafushi Color Run Festival 2022 on this year's Eid al-Adha on 10th July 2022 from 16:00hrs -18:00hrs Color Run Followed by Traditional performances by Hihchaa Boduberu Group from Kudarikilu, Kids Fun Games and Special Guests. What if you can't be there? Chill, we have got you covered. We invite you to join the Run Virtually on…
Congratulations Sattu and Nasih
Congratulations on being selected to the Maldives National Futsal Team, Ishan Ibrahim & Abdulla Nasih. We are incredibly proud of you guys, and we wish you & Team Maldives every success. Ishan accepting Jersey for Maldives National Futsal Team Nasih accepting Jersey for Maldives National Futsal Team We wish you all the best and…
We were in “Saafu Eydhafushi”
We donated some items for the event "Saafu Eydhafushi" which was held on 18th March 2022. It was a Collaborative event within all offices in Baa. Eydhafushi to celebrate 54th Anniversary of Baa Atoll Hospital. We thank Baa Atoll Hospital for the initiative to keep the Island Clean with support of all Residents of Eydhafushi.
Happy New Islamic Year 1443
ހިޖުރީ އައު އަހަރުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުމާއި ތަހުނިޔާ އެންމެހައި މުސްލިމް އަޙުންނާއި އުޙްތުންނަށް އަރިސްކުރަން. މާތް ﷲ އަޅަމެންނަށް އުފާވެރި އަދި ބާއްޖަވެރި އަހަރެއްކަމުގައި ލައްވާންދޭވެ. އާމީން.